Mentor Epoch
Our mission is to create nurturing relationships that empower, mentor, and encourage students in the areas of academics, character development, and social-emotional wellness. This is the mission statement of the Epoch Dream Center. Mentor Epoch was developed to support and facilitate this mission on behalf of the students we serve.

The Goal of Mentor Epoch is to facilitate healthy and sustainable relationships between Epoch students and supporting adults in our community.
The Role of the mentor is to support, advise, and guide their assigned student. They provide stability and help their student grow in a variety of areas, helping them become the best version of themselves.

The Commitment of the mentor is to provide weekly support (30 to 60 minutes each visit) during school or Epoch hours from October to June.
The Benefits to the mentor and mentee are numerous and far-reaching. Students with a consistent role model have statistically shown improvements in academic performance and school attendance and a decrease in disciplinary issues.
They tend to display an overall more positive attitude about life, school, and future choices. Mentors report that they gain a tremendous amount of satisfaction from the mentor-mentee relationship. They enjoy seeing their student grow academically, socially, and emotionally, and they inspire a greater love of humanity in themselves and the student with whom they work.

Complete our Mentor Epoch application here! Once filled out, please email it back to

You'll get your form from Marcy Disbennett, Mentor Epoch Coordinator.

Schedule a one-hour Zoom training. Training topics include how to be a mentor, how to handle hard situations, how to be supportive, and more.
"Mentoring is our opportunity to change history, to re-write the story of a generation. Mentors will be the quiet heroes of this movement. Studies have shown that one-to-one mentoring, done over time, transforms the lives of both the mentor and mentee."
-John Sowers
Ready to Mentor?
Continue the Conversation with Marcy Disbenett, Mentor Epoch Coordinator, at